Monday, September 5, 2011

India's Muslim population above 200 million or 20 crores!

Map showing Muslim concentration in districts*
Is the population of Muslims in India over 200 million or 20 crores? The US government feels that the Indian Muslims account for more than 13.4% of the country's population.

Times of India report says that US authorities believe that there are many more Muslims in India than are officially stated and there population could be substantially higher than the figure which is generally reported.

The census 2001 suggested that India had 138 million Muslims. But a wikileaks cable revealed that American government feels that this figure may not be accurate and the numbers of Muslim could have been under-reported.

The report further says that Muslim population could be around 180 million or 18 crores in India. But given the fact that the census 2011 report is nearing, the Indian Muslims could now be accounting well over 200 million, as a decade has passed since the last census.

The estimated Muslim population on the basis of around 30% decennial increase in the community in India, takes the figure to230-240 million (23-24 crore) right now, which means that Indian Muslims easily outnumber Pakistani Muslims, and could also be more numerous than Muslims in Indonesia.

This could turn India into the country with the largest Muslim population. It is just a view and an estimate. The real picture will be known when the Census 2011 figures for religions and religious adherents are released in the coming months.

*The darker the colour, the higher is the percentage of Muslims in the particular district.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Religions in Africa: Muslim population, concentration in countries & percentage

Africa is traditionally concerned the Muslim continent though the rapid rise of Christianity and active missionary work has led to followers of each of the two great Abrahamic religions today claiming higher number of adherents.

Asia is considered the Islamic continent because it has a majority of Muslims. In fact, Muslims dominate not just Middle East, Central Asia, South Asia, Indonesia & Malaysia in the far east except India that has a huge Hindu population (it also has 170 million Muslims) and China-Japan that have a high Buddhist-Shinto concentration.

However, it was traditionally Africa that was considered homeland for Muslims. The proximity with Saudi Arabia and the expansion of Islamic empire from Egypt to countries across Sahara desert turned Africa a Muslim continent.

List by major countries of Muslim population  in Africa

Total population
Muslim percentage
34 million
76 million
35 million
41 million
10 million
10 million
150 million
6 million
3 million
Burkina Faso
16 million
10 million
13 million
14 million
15 million
10 million
0.5 million
Sierra Leone
0.6 million
0.7 million
Guinea Bissau
1 million
88 million

Though it continued to have a large population which continued to believe in animism, shamanism and ancestral rituals of worship. Almost all the major countries in Northern part of Africa are dominated by Islam though Southern part is more Christian.

The big countries including Algeria, Morocco, Sudan, Egypt, Libya, Nigeria, Senegal, Niger, Chad, Somalia and Mali are predominantly Muslim with the percentage of Islamic population above 90% in most the countries. Statistics about Ethiopia, formerly Abyssinia, remain disputed though Islam was widely prevalent historically in this country.

Christianity is more popular in Zimbabwe, South Africa, Congo, Angola and Namibia. Though Tanzania, Mozambique, Tanzania and Ivory Coast are countries that also have very high Muslim density in terms of religious population.

Religious population in Africa

Of the around 6.8 billion population of the world, Africa accounts for around 1 billion. Nearly half of 1 billion, viz. 50 million population in Africa profess Islamic faith while Christians are also almost equally distributed. In fact, one or two researches show Christianity slightly ahead though it is disputed.

It is estimated that 45% of Africans profess Islam while Christianity has nearly 40% followers. In some countries Christian population figures have been exaggerated but there is a similar charge against Muslims also in some parts.

After all, the continent remains a battlefield for proselytizers including Muslims and Evangelists. The rest (around 5%) believe in traditional religions, local beliefs & polytheism. Hindus & Jews are found in some cities but there presence in overall population is too less.

Christian majority countries in Africa

Africa has around 50 countries, however, among the big countries that have higher Christian population include Angola, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Kenya, Congo, Cameroon, Zambia, Rwanda, Cote d' Ivory, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique and Benin.

Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa but it has nearly equal Muslims and Christians. Ethiopia is now considered a country where Christians outnumber Muslims but Islam is still strong with over 35% followers. The study of religious distribution suggests that while in North and West Africa Islam dominates, Christianity has more numbers in parts of middle and Southern Africa.

Christian countries           Total Population

Congo                                70 million.
South Africa                       50 million
Tanzania                             42 million
Zimbabwe                          11 million
Zambia                               12 million
Nigeria                               150 million
Ethiopia                              88 million

[*It is not necessary that the entire remaining population is Christian as Africa still has a huge population that doesn't follow any religion, rather go by animist practices and rituals of their ancestors.]

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